Tips for Healthy Gums:
Floss Daily: Flossing protects not only your teeth but also your gums! Flossing removes plaque and food that can’t be reached by a toothbrush. This can help prevent gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum disease. It is best to floss at night so food particles don’t stay on your teeth all night.
Keep up on your Routine Dental Cleanings and Exams: Dentists are trained to detect early signs of gum disease. If you go to your dentist regularly they are more likely to be able to catch signs of gum disease early and treat it before it causes serious damage.
Brush your Teeth Twice a Day: Brushing your teeth helps remove food and plaque on your teeth and gums. You should be brushing your teeth, gum line, and tongue to adequately remove bacteria. Make sure you are brushing your teeth for a full two minutes, twice a day. The average person only brushes their teeth for 48 seconds at a time, so make sure you set a timer to get the full two minutes in.
Use a Mouthwash: Regular mouthwash use can help prevent gum disease, slow tartar buildup, reduce the amount of plaque on teeth, and remove food particles that were missed during brushing and flossing. It can also help prevent inflamed and bleeding gums by reducing the number of bacteria in your mouth. Look for mouthwashes that contain fluoride or have the ADA seal to get the most benefit.