Oral Appliance Treatment
in Surprise, Arizona

Oral Appliance Treatment
in Surprise, Arizona

Oral Appliances Surprise

Oral Appliance Treatment
in Surprise, Arizona

Oral Appliances
In any circumstance, one of our aims at Surprise Dental & Denture is to give the most conservative treatment feasible. For a number of diseases, oral appliances provide a straightforward, non-invasive therapy option. Regardless of the use, each appliance we recommend is made just for you. Appliance therapy may be a helpful supplement to your treatment, whether we’re addressing nocturnal sleep grinding, a diagnosed case of obstructive sleep apnea, biting difficulties, or other jaw joint abnormalities. Depending on your treatment objectives and preferences, Dr. Jason Melashenko and Dr. Stephanie Mashni utilize a variety of innovative designs.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth are the toughest material in the human body and can sustain a great deal of stress. However, damage can develop, particularly if grinding forces begin to wear it away. Clenching or grinding your teeth at sleep can injure your teeth, muscles, and jaw joints over time. It’s crucial to safeguard against abrasive pressures.
Teeth Grinding Surprise
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